I’m A Strata Owner

3 out of 3

If you think that strata is confusing, and seems complicated, you’re not alone.  Feeling helpless, and not knowing what to do is common. And it’s this ignorance that can cost you time, money and stress, while also putting your strata property investment in jeopardy. Knowledge is power, especially if it’s married with a bigger picture understanding of how organizations such as strata corporations really work.

Stratapro Solutions was created to help you and your fellow owners understand the challenges this business model creates, and provide real solutions to overcome them. We were fortunate enough to experience the operation of strata corporations from an on-site perspective, and see how valuable a qualified team of professionals could be to not only improving the bottom line of the strata corporation, actually make a tangible difference for the entire condo community.

One of our core values is win-win-win, which is a philosophy that guides us so that you, the strata council, and strata manager all benefit from our achievements.   Our foundation is based on ensuring the building is maintained consistently, communicating in a timely and clear fashion, keeping standards, and following systems, and ensuring our clients are happy - just like any other professional business.  Once we’ve built a level of trust with people in the building, we are able to fill a gap in serving all owners equally. Ultimately, a well maintained and organized building brought together with a team approach can have access to higher community engagement such as Blockwatch BBQ’s and community gardening.  A strata corporation, not unlike any other corporation, can benefit greatly from people working together, and getting along.

Please contact us if you would like to learn more. You can also contact your strata manager and/or council and ask us to attend your building for a free consultation worth $497.